Independent study shows Life Whisperer Genetics AI is effective in non-invasively and instantly predicting euploid (genetically normal) embryos

An independent study has shown that Life Whisperer Genetics AI-based embryo assessment is effective in non-invasively and instantly predicting whether an embryo is euploid (chromosomally normal). The study concluded that the utilization of Life Whisperer’s  AI algorithm could potentially streamline euploid embryo selection, reducing the reliance on costly and invasive PGT-A testing, whilst offering a non-invasive alternative for those patients uncomfortable with or unable to afford PGT-A.

The study was presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) 2023 in New Orleans by Carla Giménez-Rodríguez from IVI-RMA in Europe. IVI-RMA comprises over 70 fertility centers across 9 countries.

Life Whisperer uses Artificial Intelligence to non-invasively and instantly assess images of IVF patients’ embryos to evaluate their quality in order to improve IVF outcomes. Life Whisperer Genetics non-invasively assesses images of embryos to determine their likelihood of being euploid using only morphology. The AI assessment can be used to rank and prioritize good quality embryos based on euploidy, for further testing or for transfer.

 The study showed there was a significant difference in AI score for euploid and aneuploid (chromosomally abnormal) embryos when tested on 664 embryos with PGT-A outcomes. The AI algorithm was able to distinguish those embryos with a higher likelihood of being euploid.

Following the recent launch of Life Whisperer Genetics into the United States, the study provides further evidence of the efficacy of non-invasive and instant AI methods for ranking good quality embryos, whether prioritizing embryos for further PGT-A testing or for transfer.


Download the presentation here.

Life Whisperer

Life Whisperer is a world-leader in the application of AI in IVF. The Life Whisperer Viability and Genetics AI-based embryo assessment tools are the first to be commercialized in a series of applications that encompass the complete IVF journey. Life Whisperer aims to improve IVF success rates at every point and, as a result, reduce time-to-pregnancy, making IVF more affordable and accessible to patients globally. Life Whisperer is being used in IVF clinics around the world.



Presagen is an AI healthcare company that is changing the way clinics, patients, and medical data from around the world are connected through AI. Its platform, The Social Network for Healthcare, connects clinics and patients globally, and enables collaboration and data sharing to create scalable AI healthcare products that are affordable and accessible for all. The decentralized network democratizes the creation of AI products, promotes collaboration through incentives, and protects data privacy and ownership. With a focus on improving Women’s Health outcomes globally, Presagen’s first product, Life Whisperer, is being used by IVF clinics globally to improve pregnancy outcomes for couples struggling with fertility. With a vision of creating the largest network of clinics, patients, and medical data from around the world, Presagen is driving the future of AI Enhanced Healthcare.